· By Nalawoman Inc. Philippines
The Importance of Self-Care During Menstruation and How Nala Can Help
It’s important to remember that our body goes through many changes during menstruation.
Our hormone levels start to fluctuate in the days before our periods. Our happy chemicals like serotonin and dopamine will drop to their lowest levels while estrogen and progesterone levels will climb to their maximums! Cortisol, our stress hormone, will also be at its highest, resulting in larger flows and even cramping during periods.
We might also experience many other confusing symptoms: mood swings, depression, anxiety, insomnia, and even memory loss.
During this time, we should always be gentle to ourselves. Spend some time unwinding and rewarding yourself for a job well done! Sometimes, even modest lifestyle adjustments might help reduce the strain of your cycle.
Switching to Nala Woman’s menstrual products offers a more comfortable experience for menstruators. Made with organic cotton, it promises breathability and clinically-tested hypoallergenic to prevent skin irritation, all the while being completely environmentally friendly.
However, Nala's contribution goes beyond merely what we are providing. Nala Woman promotes an environment where women may openly ask for assistance with period care and general wellness. Make sure to join our Viber Community here for more tips and discounts! 💜